I've had a lot of multi-species days in the past, but nothing in recent memory.
In the header picture. Critter and I took sharptails, pheasants and Huns in the same day. The following year we took pheasants, sharptails and a fall turkey in the same area. Critter also took ruffed grouse, pheasant and a Hun in Iowa. Again in Iowa, Pitch, my first dog, once took ruffs, pheasant and bobwhite quail in one day. Hunting dogless in Kansas I once took pheasants, bobs and a greater prairie chicken in the same day.
Great Lakes States: Sharptails/Ruffs/Woodcock
Eastern Plains: Sharptail/Hun/Pheasant
Central Plains: Sharptail/Prairie Chicken/Pheasant/Hun/Bobwhite Quail
Southern Plains: Grtr. Prairie Chicken/Pheasant/Bobwhite Quail
High Desert Valley: Pheasant/Valley Quail/ Hun/Chukar
High Desert Mountain: Chukar/Hun/Ruffed/Dusky Grouse
I haven't even considered a multi-species day in many years, but in future seasons when a daily bag limit doesn't seem possible, planning a multi-species hunt would certainly add a challenge.