Chaos bringing it home!
The first two pics were 75 yards from the truck at our first stop. Chaos flushed a covey of huns and I dropped three with two shots. But that wasn't to be the norm. In 8 days of hunting, we went three with no bird contacts....none...zip. Four days with 5-6 chukar coveys and about the same in Huns. The huns sortof cooperated, the chukars hardly at all. Those four days I shot 4-huns, 4-huns, 3-huns and 1 chukar 1-hun & 1 chukar. The chukar were very wild. Spent another day looking for quail in an old spot that had been good but only found a lone sage grouse. Bo sure didn't know what to think of that big bird.
Then a few days visiting in-laws in Pocotello and we headed home.
It's hard. Really hard to do well on chukar when only hunting them every 3-4 years and always in a different location. It's not like midwestern hunting where you can be into bird cover within yards of the truck. Out there, you don't even know if you'll be into birds for an hour or more and by the time you return to the truck for more water and a fresh dog you realize that if you climb again, you won't have the stamina to do it again tomorrow, so you stay lower and hope for huns. Not that shooting huns is a bad thing. Other than the novelty of shooting chukar I'm just as happy chasing huns. They're a great little bird!